Closely tied to the Chaplaincy, the Catholic Society exists to bring Catholic Students together with the aim to provide a bridge between Roman Catholic and Student life. Everyone is welcome!
"The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself. Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for: The dignity of man rests above all on the fact that he is called to communion with God. This invitation to converse with God is addressed to man as soon as he comes into being. For if man exists it is because God has created him through love, and through love continues to hold him in existence. He cannot live fully according to truth unless he freely acknowledges that love and entrusts himself to his creator."
(Catechism of the Catholic Church, 27)
Are you a Roman Catholic or interested in finding out more about the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church? Catholic Society will be the perfect place for you! Membership is free! (after £5 SU Clubs and Socities Annual Admin Fee). The Catholic Society became affiliated with the Students Union here in Stirling in 2023 and elected its first committee in October 2023. Working alongside the Catholic Chaplain, the Catholic Society aims to bring together Catholic Students and all those interested to a place to share their faith, grow in spirit, and come together in fellowship.
We also exist to evangelise and promote Catholic Social Teaching to all those interested.
Catholic Mass
Catholic Mass is held every Wednesday during Undergraduate teaching weeks at 13:15pm in the Chaplaincy and is open to everyone. Confession: Available before and after Mass.
Society Meetings
Meetings will be announced on our Social Media pages throughout each semester. Please see these Social Media pages for updates on activities, meetings, and social events.
We also meet regularly after Catholic Mass for Tea and Coffee (also in the Chaplaincy).
For information on local Parishes in Stirling please see: